外眼EYESHENZHEN|Together we are in Shenzhen, it’s so blessed!



In Nanshan, Futian, Pingshan, Yantian, Longgang......expats across Shenzhen contribute to pandemic prevention and control while spreading hope. With warmth flowing from this open and inclusive city, each of them constitutes a vivid panorama of a metropolis battling the pandemic.


  来自喀麦隆的欧特(Ekumi Ivo Otte)是深圳市萨米国际医疗中心(深圳市第四人民医院)的医疗讲师,这家医院被指定为坪山区外籍人员和港澳台居民疫苗接种点之一后,他第一时间申请成为了防疫志愿者,帮助在坪山以及附近区域的外国居民们顺畅高效地完成疫苗接种。


Ekumi Ivo Otte from Cameroon is as a medical lecturer at SSIMC, Shenzhen Samii International Medical Center (The Fourth People's Hospital of Shenzhen). When SSIMC was designated as one of the vaccination site for foreigners, he didn’t hesitate to apply for volunteering to help ensure smooth and effective vaccination for expats in Pingshan and areas nearby.


  在Otte看来,做志愿服务的初衷是为抗击疫情不断做出自我贡献的一种方式,“我想向中国表达我的感激之情,感谢中国在这场战斗中保护我们的安全。” 作为一名居住在深圳14年的外籍人士,Otte这样评价道:我们所见证的中国发起和实施的防控措施,可能是历史上最积极、最灵活的。


Otte’s initiative to volunteer was his way of progressively making contribution to the fight. “I want to express my gratitude and appreciation to China for our entire safety and protection during this fight”. As an expat living in Shenzhen for over 14 years, he said, “We have witnessed how China initiated and implemented perhaps what I believe, is probably the most aggressive, agile disease containment efforts and measures in history.”


  “我想给中国点赞!”来自荷兰的Willem Wolleswinkel对此也有同感。“中国政府的决策执行力非常强,而与此同时,人们信任政府,充分配合政府实施的各种措施。这使得中国的疫情被有效控制住。”


“I’d like to make a compliment”, Willem Wolleswinkel from the Netherlands has felt the same way, “China as a whole has managed to stop the virus from spreading, because China has very quick and decisive decision-making, and what is also important is that people trust the government and follow up what the government provided ”.


  接种疫苗是疫情防控的重要一环,来自墨西哥的Sofia Alvarez在深圳大学留学,她认为,接种疫苗这项工作非常关键,因为“这不仅是保护自己,也同时在保护他人。如果我们每个人都能做好自我防控,那么整个世界都会逐渐好转。” 她主动加入到了南山区招商街道的国际志愿团队,希望能作出一份贡献。


Vaccination is a significant part of pandemic prevention and control. Sofia Alvarez from Mexico studies at Shenzhen University. She believes that vaccination is critical because "this way we are not only protecting ourselves, we are protecting other people. If we can control, then the whole world will slowly control this problem." She actively joined the international volunteer team of Zhaoshang sub-district in Nanshan District in hopes of making a contribution.


  家住龙岗区的Andrew Smith和朋友Weber Edouard按照疫苗接种指引,通过预约来到毗邻的坪山接种疫苗,Andrew的太太是中国人,因为担心语言沟通不畅,她特意陪着他们一起来到了萨米国际医疗中心,没想到这里不仅有外语志愿者,也专门设置了双语窗口,为不同背景的群众提供服务。


Andrew Smith and his friend Weber Edouard, both living in Longgang District, came to Pingshan for vaccination by appointment. Andrew's wife is Chinese and she accompanied them to all the way to SSIMC, for fear of the language barrier in communication. To their surprise, the hospital is equipped with foreign language volunteer service and bilingual clinic, in a bid to provide services for people with different backgrounds.




“The volunteers are very dedicated. I think the service was very good, very helpful.” They were touched by the warmth from fighters in this special battle.




Together we are in Shenzhen, it’s so blessed!
